So how was it for you? (New Year's, that is). My year started with much more of a whimper than a bang... but you know what? I'm actually pretty good with that.
In a world that seems to be obsessed with "self improvement" we are constantly expected to be more, do more, learn more, earn more, exercise more, achieve more and experience more. When sometimes what we really need to do is to just BE. To be still.
To take a moment to listen to how our body really feels.... and what our heart really desires. To let ourselves dream a little. To re-set our compass. To allow ourselves the time and the grace to do what we feel we want to, rather than force ourselves to do what we think we should. To let the old be and create space for the new to emerge... gently, gracefully and in its own time.
That's my strategy for the moment anyhow. Anyone care to join me?