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The new year is yours to create… however you would like it to be. Listen and imagine…

A gentle piano re-imagining of a classic song by U2

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Sometimes we all get lost… and need to find our way home. This is one of the pieces I wrote in the Simpson Desert in Central Australia last year.  It’s about the feeling of finding home – finding your safe place – no matter where you are.

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Every once in a while, a moment comes along that changes everything. “Your Tenderness” was written about one of those moments

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There is a beautiful phrase in the Japanese language, “Yohaku no bi”, which means “The beauty of empty space”.

Last year, I had the profound experience of composing music on top of a sand dune in the Simpson Desert in Central Australia. Not only was this massively inspirational, it also somehow opened up a new dimension in my music – a space, or perhaps a spaciousness, that wasn’t there before.

I could feel this as I was composing and recording this EP, I but was at a loss as to how to describe it… until I came across this phrase. Trust the Japanese, with their understanding of the principles of Zen, to nail it!

Sometimes we can crowd our music, our art, our minds and our lives with “stuff” that we think should be there… without taking the time to step back and realise that sometimes less is more. And what’s not there is just as important as what is.

Read a review of the album by Steve Sheppard of One World Music Radio here

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or Limited edition CD featuring The Blue Horizon Suites #1 and #2  for $15


01 The Experience
02 The Endlessness of Starlight
03 Finding Home
04 The Spaces Within
05 Your Tenderness
06 Spoken Without Words
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Sometimes we all need a place to hide

To rest, to heal, to restore, to re-connect

Where is yours?

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Music to take you to your place of silence. A piece I wrote in the beautiful mountain village of Bellingen, NSW earlier this year. 

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